
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Jake Tapper, Trump Hater S1E2

'Birthers must die!!!'

Ever wonder why CNN is so anti-Trump?  Here's a clue...


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Illegal Immigration 101

What does illegal immigration accomplish?

Bob, our hypothetical example, is an illegal immigrant.  Bob is intelligent, is able to do college level math, but, speaks broken english.  Bob has 1 child, girl, age 6, that he brought with him.  Sadly, Bob is a widower.  His wife died, of cancer, 2 years before he arrived in the U.S.  

Bob gets a job, using a stolen social security number, packing beauty supplies for shipment.  Bob has the protections provided any legal worker in the U.S.  Bob is paid $2 more than minimum wage and provided health insurance.  Bob works for this employer for 3 months, until HR receives a letter asking to verify his, stolen, social security number.  After HR requests documentation of his identity, Bob decides not to go in to work the next day.

Within a couple days Bob finds another employer that pays "under the table."  This new job does not provide for any protections provided to legitimate workers.  Bob is paid 1 dollar less than minimum wage and is paid in cash, usually on Fridays.  Bob's boss argues that the 1 dollar per hour he is keeping, is only a counterbalance to not deducting payroll taxes.  

Now that Bob is earning less money, he can't afford to pay for child care.  Bob is a good father and will not leave his daughter alone while he works.  Bob goes to the local Job & Family Services center and applies for assistance.  Bob is given free child care, food assistance (food stamps) and health insurance (medicaid).  

This is a sad story, but plausible.

What are the effects here? 
Bob is not protected from illegal employment practises.  
His employer purchases his labor for less than minimum wage.
Bob's employer is effectively subsidized by the State.  
Bob can't move up the ladder of employment.
The wages paid by his employer are lowered for every other employee, because he can pay Bob, or someone like Bob, less than legal wages.

Eventually Bob is hurt at work and he can no longer work.

What are the costs to the public?
Education, medical care, day care, nutrition for Bob's daughter.
Medical care, nutrition, housing for Bob.

Illegal immigration lowers wages, for the "working class," overall.
It allows the unscrupulous business owner to charge less for his product while being subsidized by the tax payer.  An unfair advantage. 
It allows for abuse of the illegal immigrant.

Not the solution: Amnesty: It only encourages more illegal immigration.

Possible solution: 
Enforce the current immigration law.  Pass E Verify law, requiring every employer verify legal worker status.  Enforce that law with crippling fines for repeat offenders.  Deport any & all illegal immigrants found in the U.S.  Finally, pass laws allowing people, like Bob, to immigrate to the U.S. and become citizens.

When the left or right says we shouldn't deport illegal immigrants or enforce immigration laws, really, it's a boon for big business, lowering wages & protections for workers.  All while they, and protesters, scream "HUMAN RIGHTS!" 

"Ironic, isn't it..."


Immigration horror!

CNN: 1 out of 861,192 "dreamers" ARRESTED!

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA, was President Barack Obama's signature immigration accomplishment.  It was & is an executive order.  Executive orders can be maintained or rescinded, by the current President, at any time.  As of September 2016, 861,192 applications have been accepted by USCIS.  
h/t MPI ( (found using google)

CNN is, breathlessly, reporting that ONE of the people, receiving "deferred action," has been arrested.  Using this headline to push fear & anxiety. Makes one wonder why President Trump says the media is the opposition party...


Kristol Files S1E2

'I'm ok with the overthrow of the United States Government!'

Does "deep state" actions constitute force?

18 U.S.C. § 2385 : US Code - Section 2385:
Advocating overthrow of Government

Is Bill Kristol advocating for it?


Your forehead? Really?

On the forehead? Really? Why?

h/t Daily Caller (

Revelation 20:4New King James Version (NKJV)

The Saints Reign with Christ 1,000 Years

And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a[a] thousand years.
h/t Bible Gateway (

CNN bias?

CNN, "you are fake news!"

 Do you see the bias between these two tweets? Hint: Which one was first? & What was changed?


Jake Tapper, Trump Hater

'Take it...I said, TAKE IT!!!'

CNN's Jake Tapper, the embodiment of glib Trump hatred, justifies his network's unrelenting attacks on the President...

'You attacked our beloved Barack Obama, so now we will destroy you!'



'But, but, bu...Russia'

After 15 hours of CNN & New York Times reporting contacts between Russians & Trump campaign staffers, we start to see the news media pull back...


Elites come from left & right...

'We need a new slave class!'

-Paraphrased from Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard 

Elites are on every political side...

Advocating control of the population to increase profit is something that should disqualify a person from being a respected pundit.



Constitutional Crisis...a short...

Really? That's horrifying...



I'm Dan. I'm in my mid 30s & live in Ohio.
Now that my vital statistics are out of the way, we can get to the meat...

Our news media controls our perceptions through cherry picked opinions & stats.  We end up arguing with our friends and neighbors about what someone on social media or a TV news personality has said.  We reflect the opinions that we consume.  Individuals take what they believe to be the truth & project it with words & deeds.  All the while, elites & powerful, with their own outcomes predetermined, continue to manipulate us with cherry picked outrage.

Sometimes it's unknowing bias or confirmation bias.  Sometimes it's outright lies.  

This blog will be my attempt to provide commentary on fake news, bias, confirmation bias & outright lies designed to manipulate the public into advocating for the outcome desired by the few elites & powerful in our world.

I accept that even I am biased in some ways, that I may get things wrong, and I accept that sometimes people just make innocent mistakes that should be corrected without need for condemnation. Saying all that I expect to be held accountable for my assertions.  If you believe I have made a mistake, please let me know so it can be corrected. 
